Mountain Life

North Carolina MountainsI’m visiting my aunt Sarah, this weekend. I’m excited because she lives in the hills of western North Carolina. She has a beautiful log cabin with the nearest neighbor miles away. How nice that would be?!  That’s what I want when I’m old. I can’t imagine living in the city for the rest of my life. That would be one of my biggest regrets.

Sarah has a pond behind her cabin with a nice little dock. She also has a garden with vegetables and fruits.  The last time I spoke to her, she was excitedly anticipating blueberries. I’m sure they’re plumb by now. Blueberry picking is fun. Her dalmatian, Dally, even helps.

Ah, the fresh smell of pine. It gets kind of cool in her house. I like visiting in the dead of winter.  She has a nice fireplace, but ironically her home is heated by propane gas. I guess as she has gotten older, she’s too tired to split her own wood. Gas is convenient because it’s delivered the same day she orders it, but it doesn’t give off that wonderful smell.  What’s more ironic is Sarah used to be a naturalist. She interviewed at Balsam Mountain Preserve when they first opened some ten years ago, but she didn’t want to move.

So, we’re going to the Saturday Umbrella Market located in Pritchard Park in Asheville. I love markets, and yard sales. I’m looking for vintage chairs. I sand them down, stain them and add new upholstery.  I have renovated two since last year. I’m working on  a  dining room table set of mix-matched chairs. Cool, right?  If I don’t have luck there, I’ll just shop for sterling silver jewelry! Either way, Sarah and I are going to have a blast.

A bird in the hand is worth two. . .

Balsam Mountain Eagle-The PreserveRecently, I read an article about preserving the life at Balsam Mountain Preserve, in the form of birds.  I didn’t know Bald Eagles had been on the Endangered Species list for such a long time. I realize I should know that, seeing how they had been on it for 40 years (12 of which I was happily skipping through).


The Eastern Screech Owl is also protected by this mountain community. I think this is wonderful because it is just such a peaceful and beautiful creature. I went online and visited the Balsam Mountain Preserve web site and they protect over 3 thousand acres and another thousand goes to Asheville and Waynesville NC real estate.

Anyways, Balsam has a program called The Birds of Prey, which is operated by the Trust, who are a group of  full-time naturalists. These naturalists educate the local schools and civic groups about the birds of prey. When these scientists have a bird that is unable to return to the wild (due to permanent injuries or disease), they take it to these locations and teach the different groups about it.

Eastern Screech OwlProtect our forests!

Identical Twins are Fun!

Me and Ellie

Ellie and Me

Last night, I was listening to A Perfect Circle‘s song, Orestes and I was suddenly taken back to a few months ago when my family and I went on vacation to Sylva, NC and stayed at Balsam Mountain Preserve. It’s amazing and wonderful how sensations trigger our memory.  How lucky are we?

I played that song over and over last night just so I could feel like I was at the pool with my twin.  It worked. I remember our conversations, our drinks, and our suits.

Though, we had a great time, I miss her. We aren’t that far away, it does not matter, my soul still aches!  Our lives are hectic, so we don’t see each other so much. Oh, sweet separation anxiety!  Does anyone else experience that? I thought it would go away 5 years ago, but it hasn’t. Everyday I wake up and wish we lived together, but that’s not reality, for now.

Old Crow Me

I will be one old bitter lady if we aren’t living together by then.  My saliva will turn to lemon juice and my eyes will be like a crow’s!

July 4th!

South Carolina LakeI know it’s not the 4th yet, but I’m so excited about this holiday. This year the whole family is going to Lake Wylie. My uncle, Pete has a very nice bass boat, plus a platoon, so there’s room for the 17 of us.  I personally just want to drive the bass boat ( at 90 mph- yeah right ;}) in that beautiful South Carolina lake.

After a long day of bass fishing, swimming, eating, and talking, we’ll dock the boats and have a huge fireworks show in beautiful South Carolina.

My brothers go nuts over the fireworks. They bring there PVC pipes and wheelbarrows overflowing with the fun fire toys. I think the funniest part is watching them light about 10 at a time and then run as though they’ve just thrown a grenade, or two. It’s hilarious when one of them trips. I’m crossing my fingers and counting my lucky stars. This year’s going to be a winner.

What better way to honor our patriots than shooting off a ton of fireworks? Perfect!

I’m kind of excited for my niece and nephew. This will be their first adventure on a boat. They both love water, so maybe they enjoy slow tubing.

Small Bear

This photo portrays an angry bear, but bears do enjoy water. I love this little guy. I don’t have a more recent one of his cousin, my niece, Loren.  Loren sure loved it when we went to Balsam Mountain Preserve and went swimming in their pool. Ah, good times, good times.

What are you doing for the 4th?